Русскоязычный Искусственный Интеллект Душка
For Artificial Intelligence Dushka

RuVerbPhrase Russian Verb-Phrase Module of

English and Russian bilingual AI in Perl

1. Cognitive architecture Diagram of the RuVerbPhrase Mind-Module

   /^^^^^^^^^\   CONCEPTS  _________________       /^^^^^^^^^\
  /   EYE     \     | | | / Volition module \     /   EAR     \
 /             \    | | | \_________________/    /  _________  \
|               |   | | |  _____|________       |  /MindBoot \  |
|   _______     |   | | | (   RuThink    )      | / Russian   \ |
|  /image  \    |   | | |  \____________/       | \ bootstrap / |
| / percept \---|---|-|-+    ______|_______     |  \"vault"  /  |
| \ engram  /   |  С|Ч|К|   / RuIndicative \    |   \_______/   |
|  \_______/    |  Т|И|Н|   \______________/    |   auditory    |
|               |  У|Т|И|       |       |       |   memory      |
|   visual      |  Д|А|Г|  _____V______ |       |   channel     |
|               |  Е|Ю|И| (RuNounPhrase)|       |               |
|   memory      |  Н|Т| |  \"СТУДЕНТЫ"/ |       |  "СТУДЕНТЫ"   |
|               |  Т| | |   \________/  |       |               |
|   channel     |  Ы| | |         ______V_____  |               |
|               |   | | |        (RuVerbPhrase) |               |
|               |   | | |  ____  /\ "ЧИТАЮТ" /  |   "ЧИТАЮТ"    |
|               |   | | | /Ru- \/  \________/   |               |
|   _______     |   | | |/AdVerb\       |       |               |
|  /fresh  \    |   | | |\______/ ______V_____  |               |
| / image   \   |   |_|_|        (RuNounPhrase) |               |
| \ engram  /---|---(Psy)         \  "КНИГИ" /  |   "КНИГИ"     |
|  \_______/    |    \_/           \________/   |               |

2. Purpose of the AI4U Textbook RuVerbPhrase Module

RuVerbPhrase inserts a Russian verb into a nascent thought.

RuVerbPhrase either fetches a stored Russian verb from auditory memory or calls RuVerbGen to generate a required Russian verb-form.

3. Function of the AI4U Textbook RuVerbPhrase Module

  • 3.A.1. Fetching a verb to describe an action or a state of being.

  • 3.A.2. Calling RuVerbGen to generate a missing but required Russian verb-form.

  • 3.B. Inserting a negational adverb to negate a Russian verb-form.

  • 3.C. Inhibiting a just-thought verb to prevent it from dominating attention.

  • 3.D. Leaving out the repetitious verb from any additional phrase being joined together with a first phrase for a resulting compound sentence that may be replaced with a single one-phrase sentence containing one or more conjunctions.

    4. Code of RuVerbPhrase() from First Working AGI in Perl

    sub RuVerbPhrase() {  # 2016feb24: thinking with Russian verbs
      $act = 0;  # 2016apr25: Start with zero to look for psi1 higher than $act.
      if ($subjpsi==1701 || $subjpsi==1731) { $prsn = 1 }  # 2016apr02: I or we
      if ($subjpsi==1707 || $subjpsi==1737) { $prsn = 2 }  # 2016apr02: you
      if ($subjpsi==1713 || $subjpsi==1719) { $prsn = 3 }  # 2016apr02: he, she
      if ($subjpsi==1725 || $subjpsi==1743) { $prsn = 3 }  # 2016apr02: it, they
      $audjuste = 0;  # 2016feb24: prevent carry-over
      $motjuste = 0;  # 2016feb24: 
      $vphraud = 0;   # 2016apr12: initially, until found or generated by RuVerbGen()
      if ($verblock > 0) {  # 2016apr27: is there already a verblock?
        my @k=split(',',$psy[$verblock]);  # 2016apr28: inspect t=verblock row;
        $verbpsi = $k[1];   # 201706-17: lexical verbpsi;
        $svo2 = $k[1];      # 2017-06-30: item #2 of subj - verb - ind.obj - dir.obj
        $negjux = $k[5];    # 2017-06-30: for negation of verb; 
        if ($k[13]>0) { $nounlock = $k[13] }  # 2018-09-27: TEST $tkb becomes $nounlock.
        $audbase = $k[14];  # 2017-12-05: VerbGen parameter;  
        if ($k[14] > 0) { $audbase = $k[14] }  # 2017-06-17: VerbGen parameter;  
        if ($k[14] > 0) { $aud = $k[14] }      # 2017-06-17: auditory recall-vector
        if ($k[14] > 0) { $vphraud = $k[14] }  # 2017-06-17: auditory recall-vector
        if ($subjpsi==1701 || $subjpsi==1731) { $prsn = 1 }  # 2016apr28: I or we
        if ($svo1==1701) { $prsn=1; $subjnum=1 } # 2017-06-30: I
        if ($subjpsi==1707 || $subjpsi==1737) { $prsn = 2 }  # 2016apr28: you
        if ($subjpsi==1713 || $subjpsi==1719) { $prsn = 3 }  # 2016apr28: he, she
        if ($subjpsi==1725 || $subjpsi==1743) { $prsn = 3 }  # 2016apr28: it, they
        $dba = $prsn;  # 2016apr28:  parameter for VerbGen()
        $vphraud = 0;  # 2016apr28: until a known verb is found;
        for (my $i=$t; $i>$midway; $i--) {  # 2016apr30: include recent input.
          my @k=split(',',$psy[$i]);  # 2016apr28: inspect t=verblock row;
          if ($k[1] == $verbpsi && $k[1] == 1800) {  # 2017-06-25: special 1800=BE-verb
            if ($k[6] == 8) {  # 2017-06-17: select only $pos=8 verbs, even homonyms
            # Following code accepts only a verb-form matching three 
            # requirements: [ ]same concept; [ ]num(ber); and [ ]person:
              if ($k[1]==$verbpsi && $k[8]==$nphrnum && $k[7]==$dba) {  # 2017-06-17
                if ($k[14] > 0) { $aud = $k[14] }      # 2017-06-17: find positive $rv; 
                if ($k[14] > 0) { $vphraud = $k[14] }  # 2017-06-17: find positive $rv; 
                if ($verbpsi == 1800) { $aud = 0; $vphraud = 0; } # 2017-09-10: 1800=BE
                if ($k[14] > 0) { last }  # 2017-06-17: exit loop once $rv is found.
              } # 2016apr28: end of test to find regular or irregular verb-form
            }  # 2016apr28: end of test for part-of-speech $pos == "8" (verb)
          }  # 2016apr28: end of test for correct verb-concept $verbpsi
          if ($k[1] == $verbpsi && $k[1] != 1800) {  # 2018-09-12: other than 1800=BE
            if ($k[6] == 8) {  # 2017-06-17: select only $pos=8 verbs, even homonyms
              if ($k[1]==$verbpsi) {  # 2017-06-17: non-be-verbs may disregard $dba?
                if ($k[14] > 0) { $aud = $k[14] }      # 2017-06-17: find positive $rv; 
                if ($k[14] > 0) { $vphraud = $k[14] }  # 2017-06-17: find positive $rv; 
                if ($k[14] > 0) { last }  # 2017-06-17: exit loop once $rv is found.
              } # 2016apr28: end of test to find regular or irregular verb-form
            }  # 2016apr28: end of test for part-of-speech $pos == "8" (verb)
          }  # 2016apr28: end of test for correct verb-concept $verbpsi
        }  # 2016apr28: End of (for loop) searching for correct verb-form.
      }  # 2016apr28: end of test for a positive verblock.
      if ($verblock == 0) { print "RuVP: mj= $motjuste act= $act"; }  # 2016may21; TEST
      if ($vphraud > 0) { $aud = $vphraud }  # 2017-06-30: correct form?
      if ($vphraud > 0) { $audjuste = $vphraud }  # 2017-06-30: correct form?
      if ($verblock == 0)  {  # 2017-06-30: prevent false negations;
        for (my $i=$t; $i>$midway; $i--) {  # 2017-06-30: search backwards in time.
          my @k=split(',',$psy[$i]);  # 2017-06-30: inspect @psy knowledge-nodes.
          if ($k[2] == 3) {  # 2018-09-27: select only Russian words
            if ($k[6] == 8) {  # 2017-06-30: select only k6 $pos=8 verbs
              if ($k[3] > 0) {  # 2017-06-30: if k3 activation $act is...
                $tselv = $i;  # 2017-06-30: retain time of winning verb;
                $motjuste = $k[1];  # 2017-06-30: Select the most active verb.
                $svo2 = $k[1];      # 2017-06-30: for calling VisRecog()
                $audjuste = $k[14]; # 2017-06-30: recall-vector $rv for Speech()
              }  # 2017-06-30: end of test of activation-level
            }  # 2017-06-30: end of test for part-of-speech $pos == "8" verb
          }  # 2017-06-30: end of test for human language code $hlc eq 3
        }  # 2017-06-30: End of (for loop) searching for most active "motjuste"
      }  # 2017-06-30: end of test for absence of a verblock from subject to verb 
      if ($negjux == 1250) {  # 2017-06-30: if verb is negated with 1250=НЕ for "NOT"
          for (my $i=$t; $i>$midway; $i--) {  # 2017-06-30: search for 1250=НЕ
            my @k=split(',',$psy[$i]);  # 2017-06-30: examine @psy array;
            if ($k[1] == 1250) {  # 2017-06-30: if 1250=НЕ is found;
              $audjuste = $k[14];  # 2017-06-30: 1250=НЕ recall-vector;
              $aud = $k[14];  # 2017-06-30: 1250=НЕ recall-vector for Speech()
              if ($k[14]>0) { $aud=$k[14]; last }  # 2017-06-30: insurance
            }  # 2017-06-30: End of search for 1250=НЕ;
          }  # 2017-06-30: End of search loop from $t back to $midway.
          if ($rv == 0) { $rv = 1003 }  # 2017-12-06: rv of ОШИБКА = ERROR
          Speech();  # 2017-06-30: speak the word starting at the $aud time. 
      }  #2017-06-30: end of test for a negated Russian verb.
      for (my $i=$t; $i>$midway; $i--) {  # 2016apr28: search backwards in time.
        my @k=split(',',$psy[$i]);  # 2016mar15: inspect @psy knowledge-nodes.
        if ($k[2] == 3) {  # 2018-09-27: select only $hlc=ru Russian words
          if ($k[6] == 8) {  # 2017-06-17: select only $pos=8 verbs
            if ($k[3] > $act) {  # 2017-06-17: If psi3 is higher than "$act";
              $motjuste = $k[1];  # 2017-06-17: Select the most active verb.
              . "$k[7],$k[8],$k[9],$k[10],$k[11],$k[12],$k[13],$k[14]"; # 2017-06-25: concat
              $act = $k[3];  # 2017-06-17: for comparison with other candidate verbs.
            }  # 2016feb24: end of test of activation-level
          }  # 2016feb24: end of test for part-of-speech $pos == "8" verb
        }  # 2016feb24: end of test for human language code $hlc == 3
      }  # 2016mar13: End of (for loop) searching for most active "motjuste"
      $aud = $audjuste;  # 2016feb24: for transfer into Speech() module
      $verbpsi = $motjuste; # 2016apr02: to search for verb-form.
      if ($subjpsi == 1701) { $dba = 1; }  # 2016apr06: Я (I) 1st p. sing; 
      if ($subjpsi == 1707) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr06: ТЫ (you) 2nd p. sing
      if ($subjpsi == 1713) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr06: ОН (he) 3rd p. sing;
      if ($subjpsi == 1719) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr06: ОНА (she) 3rd p. s;
      if ($subjpsi == 1725) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr06: ОНО (it) 3rd p. s;
      if ($subjpsi == 1731) { $dba = 1; }  # 2016apr06: МЫ (we) 1st p. pl;
      if ($subjpsi == 1737) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr06: ВЫ (you) 2nd p. pl;
      if ($subjpsi == 1749) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr06: ВЫ (you) 2nd p. s;
      if ($subjpsi == 1755) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr06: ВЫ (you) 2nd p. pl;
      if ($subjpsi == 1743) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr06: ОНИ (they) 3rd p. pl;
      if ($vphraud == 0) {  # 2016apr02: if not substituted above;
        for (my $i=$krt; $i>$midway; $i--) {  # 2016apr03: skip current engrams.
          my @k=split(',',$psy[$i]);  # 2016apr02: inspect @psy lexical nodes
          if ($motjuste != 0 && $k[1] == $motjuste) {  # 2017-06-17: look for $motjuste;
            $svo2 = $motjuste;  # 2017-06-40: TEST
            $audbase = $k[14];  # 2017-06-17: location of quasi-stem for RuVerbGen();
            if ($k[7] == $dba)   {  # 2017-06-17:  for proper person;
              if ($k[8] == $snu) {  # 2017-06-17: subject num(ber) parameter; 
                $vphraud = $k[14];  # 2017-06-17: auditory recall-vector; 
                $aud = $k[14];  # 2017-06-17: auditory recall-vector; 
                last;  # 2016apr02:  exit the loop after first find;
              }  # 2016apr02: end of subject number-parameter test; 
            }  # 2016apr02: end of dba-parameter test;
          }  # 2016apr02: end of test for an available $motjuste
        }  # 2016apr02: end of test to find regular or irregular verb-form
      }  # 2016apr02: End of (for loop) searching through @psy conceptual array.
      $dba = 3;  # 2016apr02: a default if not countermanded below: 
      if ($subjpsi == 1701) { $dba = 1; }  # 2016apr02: Я (I) 1st p. sing; 
      if ($subjpsi == 1707) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr02: ТЫ (you) 2nd p. sing.
      if ($subjpsi == 1713) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr02: ОН (he) 3rd p. sing;
      if ($subjpsi == 1719) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr02: ОНА (she) 3rd p. s;
      if ($subjpsi == 1725) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr02: ОНО (it) 3rd p. s;
      if ($subjpsi == 1731) { $dba = 1; }  # 2016apr02: МЫ (we) 1st p. pl;
      if ($subjpsi == 1737) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr02: ВЫ (you) 2nd p. pl;
      if ($subjpsi == 1749) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr02: ВЫ (you) 2nd p. s;
      if ($subjpsi == 1755) { $dba = 2; }  # 2016apr02: ВЫ (you) 2nd p. pl;
      if ($subjpsi == 1743) { $dba = 3; }  # 2016apr02: ОНИ (they) 3rd p. pl;
      if ($vphraud != 0) { $aud = $vphraud }  # 2016apr03: Accept rv of 3 parameters.
      if ($vphraud == 0) {  # 2016apr03: 
        # 2016apr02: Following code accepts only a verb-form matching three 
        # requirements: [ ]same concept; [ ]num(ber); and [ ]person:
        for (my $i=$t; $i>$midway; $i--) {  # 2016apr02: search backwards in time.
          my @k=split(',',$psy[$i]);  # 2016apr02: inspect @psy knowledge nodes
          if ($k[1]==$verbpsi && $k[8]==$nphrnum && $k[7]==$prsn) {  # 2017-06-17
            $vphraud = $k[14];  # 2017-06-17: VerbPhrase auditory engram tag
          }  # 2016apr02: end of test to find regular or irregular verb-form
        }  # 2016apr02: End of (for loop) searching through @psy conceptual array. 
      }  # 2016apr24: TEST -- A NEEDED BRACKET?
      if ($vphraud == 0) { RuVerbGen() }  # 2016apr12: if no verb-form, generate it.
      if ($vphraud > 0) { $aud = $vphraud }  # 2016apr02: correct form?
      if ($gencon == 0) {  # 2016apr03: if no call to VerbGen()...
        if ($rv < 2) { $rv = 1003 }  # 2017-12-06: rv of ОШИБКА = ERROR
        if ($rv == 0) { $rv = 1003 }  # 2017-12-06: rv of ОШИБКА = ERROR
        Speech();  # 2016feb24: speak the word starting at the $aud time. 
        $gencon = 0;  # 2016apr03: reset whether used or not;
      }  # 2016apr03: end of test to prevent speaking extra verb after VerbGen()
      $dirobj = 1;  # 2016apr01: set flag positive for seeking direct object. 
      if ($subjpsi == 1701) {  # 2017-06-30: only for subject 1701=I;
        if ($svo2 == 1820) {     # 2017-06-30: only for verb 1820=SEE;
          if ($svo4 == 0) {  # 2017-06-30: if SEE has no direct object
          # 2017-06-30: i.e., if there is no robot camera for computer vision...
            VisRecog();  # 2017-06-30: a challenge for robot AI coders
            $svo2 = 0;   # 2017-06-30: reset for safety.
            $svo4 = 0;   # 2017-06-30: reset for safety.
            return;      # 2017-06-30: abandon rest of RuVerbPhrase()
          }  # 2017-06-30: end of test for direct object; 
        }  # 2017-06-30: end of test for "1820=SEE";
      }  # 2017-06-30: end of test for ego-concept 1701=I as subject. 
      RuNounPhrase();  # 2016apr01: for direct object or predicate nominative
      if ($actpsi > 0) {  # 2018-09-28: if there is activation to spread...
        SpreadAct();  # 2018-09-28: for a chain of thought in Russian.
        $actpsi = 0;  # 2018-09-28: reset to zero for safety.
      }  # 2018-09-28: end of test for positive $actpsi.
      $dirobj = 0;  # 2016apr01: reset flag after thinking direct object. 
      if ($prepgen > 0) { RuPrep() }  # 2016apr01: if "Where?" call RuPrep().
      $audbase = 0;  # 2016apr25: reset for safety.
    }  # 2018-09-28: RuVerbPhrase() returns to Russian RuIndicative() module

    5. Variables for the RuVerbPhrase Russian AI Mind Moduile

    $gencon -- status-con flag when calling RuVerbGen()

    6. Troubleshooting and Debugging for AI Mind Maintainers

    6.1.a. Symptom: (Something goes wrong.)
    6.1.b. Solution: (AI Mind Maintainer devises solution.)

    7. Future Development

  • Roadmap to Artificial Intelligence

    8. Resources for the AI4U Textbook RuVerbPhrase Module

      Исследования в области Искусственного Интеллекта

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    III. Upload the video to TikTok with a caption including all-important hash-tags which will force governments and corporations to evaluate your work because of FOMO -- Fear Of Missing Out:
    #AI #ИИ #brain #мозг #ArtificialIntelligence #ИскусственныйИнтеллект #consciousness #сознание #Dushka #Душка #psychology #психология #subconscious #подсознание
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    10. AiTree of Mind-Modules for Natural Language Understanding

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    This page was created by an independent scholar in artificial intelligence who created the following True AI Minds with sentience and with limited consciousness.

  • -- MindForth Robot AI in English.

  • -- Forth Robot AI in German.

  • -- Robot AI thinks in English and in Russian.

  • -- JavaScript Robot AI Mind thinks in English.

  • -- JavaScript Robot AI Mind thinks in Latin.

  • -- JavaScript Robot AI Mind thinks in Russian.

    The following books describe the free, open-source True AI Minds.

    AI4U --

    AI4U (paperback) --

    AI4U (hardbound) --

    The Art of the Meme (Kindle eBook) --

    Artificial Intelligence in Ancient Latin (paperback) --

    Artificial Intelligence in Ancient Latin (Kindle eBook) --

    Artificial Intelligence in German (Kindle eBook) --

    InFerence at Amazon USA (Kindle eBook) --

    563 Mentifex Autograph Postcards were mailed in 2022 primarily to autograph collector customers at used bookstores to press the issue of whether or not the Mentifex oeuvre and therefore the autograph is valuable. These artwork-postcards with collectible stamps may be bought and sold at various on-line venues.


    See AI 101 AI 102 AI 103 year-long community college course curriculum for AI in English.
    See Classics Course in Latin AI for Community Colleges or Universities.
    See College Course in Russian AI for Community Colleges or Universities.
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