Русскоязычный Искусственный Интеллект Душка
For Artificial Intelligence Dushka

RuPronoun Russian pronoun module of

English and Russian bilingual AI in Perl

1. Diagram of the RuPronoun Russian Pronoun Mind-Module

   /^^^^^^^^^\             ________________        /^^^^^^^^^\
  /   EYE     \     | | | / RuThink module \      /   EAR     \
 /             \    | | | \________________/     /  _________  \
|               |   | | |  _____|________       |  /MindBoot \  |
|   _______     |   | | | ( RuIndicative )      | / Russian   \ |
|  /image  \    |   | | |  \____________/       | \ bootstrap / |
| / percept \---|-----+ |       |    \          |  \"vault"  /  |
| \ engram  /   |  a| | |       |     \______   |   \_______/   |
|  \_______/    |  b|c| |       |     /      \  |               |
|               |  s|o|f|       |    /RuVerb- \ |  auditory     |
|   visual      |  t|n|i|       |    \Phrase  / |  memory       |
|               |  r|c|b|       |     \______/  |  channel      |
|   memory      |  a|e|e|    ___V_____/         |               |
|               |  c|p|r|   / RuNoun- \         | "ЗНАЕТ"       |
|   channel     |  t|t|s|  (  Phrase   )        | "АННА"        |
|               |   | | |   \_________/         | "ПРАВДУ?"     |
|               |   | | |        |              |               |
|               |   | | |     ___V_________     |               |
|   _______     |   | | |    / RuPronoun   \    | "ДА"          |
|  /fresh  \    |   |_|_|   /    Я, ТЫ,     \   | "ОНА"         |
| / image   \   |  /     \ (  ОН, ОНА, ОНО,  )  | "ЗНАЕТ"       |
| \ engram  /---|--\ Psy /  \ МЫ, ВЫ, ОНИ   /   | "ЕЁ"          |
|  \_______/    |   \___/    \_____________/    |               |

2. Purpose of the RuPronoun AI Mind Module

RuPronoun will substitute a Russian pronoun in place of a Russian noun.

3. Function of RuPronoun

3.A. The calling module provides the parameters necessary for selecting a pronoun.

Typically the RuNounPhrase module, which deals with subjects of verbs and objects of verbs, will load the pertinent variables with the gender and number and case data necessary for selecting a pronominal form in the RuPronoun module.

3.B. As with humans, insufficient data may preclude the use of a pronoun.

If the AI Mind knows the name but not the gender of a person, the AI software may be coded to avoid calling the RuPronoun module so as to avoid a mistake.

3.C. The use of pronouns is especially important for query-responses.

If someone were to ask the AI "Where are John and Anna?", it would sound like natural human conversation if the AI were to respond, "He is in the house and she is in the car."

4. Code of RuPronoun() from First Working AGI in Perl

To Be Announced (TBA)

5. Variables for the RuPronoun Russian AI Mind Moduile

$atcd -- "antecedent"

6. Troubleshooting and Debugging for AI Mind Maintainers

6.1.a. Symptom: (Something goes wrong.)
6.1.b. Solution: (AI Mind Maintainer devises solution.)

7. Future Development

Roadmap to Artificial Intelligence

8. Resources for Artificial Intelligence in Russian Language

  • Artificial Intelligence in Ancient Latin


    9. AiTree of Mind-Modules for Natural Language Understanding

    "Look Inside" Kindle version to read initial chapters.

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