The middle portion is presented of a year-long course in artificial
intelligence (AI) leading to a Certificate for
AI Mind Maintainer. The arrangement of this material presumes that
the institution is operating on a quarter system of autumn, winter and spring
quarters, so a semester system will require that the weeks of instruction
presented here shall be broken roughly in half and respectively be added
to the first semester and the second semester.
The middle portion of the year-long AI course deals with the psycho-mechanics of
thinking in English.
- Week 01:
EnThink Module for Thinking in English
- Week 02: Indicative and Imperative Moods
- Week 05:
EnVerbGen creates missing verb-forms.
- Students will tweak software to show whether a verb is simply being found
in memory or is being generated by EnVerbGen.
- Week 07: ConJoin Module for Compound Sentences
- Week 08:
EnPrep for English prepositions
- Week 09: SpreadAct for Spreading Activation
- Week 10: Special Treatment of Questions as Input
- Week 11: Preservation of Endangered Languages
Once students have learned the basics of AI thinking in English, they may
study the opportunity of preserving an endangered human language by
embedding its grammar and vocabulary in an AI Mind. Students might practice
such an endeavor with the Esperanto artificial language or with an artificial
language used in a film or a work of science fiction.
- Week 12: Review for Final Exam
For previous material see
AI 101.
For continuation see
AI 103.
Subject to change without notice