Русскоязычный Искусственный Интеллект Душка
For Artificial Intelligence Dushka

RuAdverb Russian adverb module of

English and Russian bilingual AI in Perl

1. Diagram of the RuAdverb Russian Adverb Mind-Module

   /^^^^^^^^^\             ________________        /^^^^^^^^^\
  /   EYE     \     | | | / RuThink module \      /   EAR     \
 /             \    | | | \________________/     / ___________ \
|               |   | | |  _____|____________   | / MindBoot  \ |
|   _______     |   | | | (   RuIndicative   )  || Russian     ||
|  /image  \    |   | | |  \________________/   || and English ||
| / percept \---|-----+ |    |           |      || bootstrap   ||
| \ engram  /   |  a| | |   _V________   |      || "vault"     ||
|  \_______/    |  b|c| |  /          \  |      | \___________/ |
|               |  s|o|f| (RuNounPhrase) |      |               |
|   visual      |  t|n|i|  \  "АННА"  /  |      |               |
|               |  r|c|b|   \________/   |      |               |
|   memory      |  a|e|e|           _____V____  |   ________    |
|               |  c|p|r|          /          \ |  /"АННА"  \   |
|   channel     |  t|t|s|         (RuVerbPhrase)| / "ВСЕГДА" \  |
|               |   | | |          \ "ЧИТАЕТ" / | \ "ЧИТАЕТ" /  |
|               |   | | |          /\________/  |  \"КНИГИ" /   |
|               |   | | |   ______/     _|___   |   \______/    |
|   _______     |   | | |  /      \    /Ru-  \  |               |
|  /fresh  \    |   | | | /RuAdverb\  / Noun- \ |  auditory     |
| / image   \   |   |_|_| \"ВСЕГДА"/ (  Phrase )|  memory       |
| \ engram  /---|---(Psy)  \______/   \"КНИГИ"/ |  channel      |
|  \_______/    |    \_/               \_____/  |               |

2. Purpose of the RuAdverb Mind Module

RuAdverb affords the opportunity for thought processes to insert a Russian adverb to modify a Russian verb or a Russian adjective. The AI Minds solve the AI-hard problem of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to comprehend sentences. The RuAdverb module uses the understanding of natural language to generate sentences.

3. Function of the RuAdverb Mind Module

Above a threshold level, RuAdverb will select the most highly activated Russian adverb.

4. Code of RuAdverb() from First Working AGI in Perl


5. Variables for the RuAdverb Module in a Russian AI Mind

$adv -- proposed variable to keep track of a selected adverb.

$adverbact -- proposed variable to keep track of highest level of activation on any adverb.

6. Troubleshooting and Debugging for AI Mind Maintainers

6.1.a. Symptom: (Something goes wrong.)
6.1.b. Solution: (AI Mind Maintainer devises solution.)

7. Future Development

Roadmap to Artificial Intelligence

8. Resources

9. AiTree of Mind-Modules for Natural Language Understanding

"Look Inside" Kindle version to read initial chapters.

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