Gonzo Mentifex Dossier

Mentifex loquitur Latine

Mindforth — Oder warum Forth heute ausgedient hat
("Mindforth - Or why Forth today has exhausted its service")
was published in German on 22 February 2015 at the URL:

Mindforth, genial oder absurd?
("Mindforth, ingenious or absurd?")
was published in German on 24 February 2015 at the URL:

Mindforth == dbpedia?
("Mindforth == debpedia?")
was published in German on 24 February 2015 at the URL:

Bug: Mindforth ist schlecht dokumentiert
("Bug: Mindforth is poorly documentated")
was published in German on 24 February 2015 at the URL:

Logic dictates that we should mention any time that we actually saw Mr. Spock in person. Second Love insisted that I take her to the Grand Seafair Parade in Seattle, where Spock rode in an open automobile as the celebrity guest of honor. (We called our romance "Star Trek".) She studied him carefully, until she was satisfied that she could grok Spock. Years later I heard someone speak her name in the Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room on 15.DEC.2014, but I did not say a word and I realized only later that I could have truthfully said, "I am here because of you," since the Kommissarin had made me start drinking coffee as a pre-condition to associating with her Swedish family.


I had lunch today with the Amiga Mole. He is a little down on his luck but then, so am I. I bought the tech-spy lunch with a coupon from the University of Washington Daily. We each had a six-dollar meatball sandwich for only two dollars plus nineteen cents tax.

Today I asked the Russian beauty Amazona to be my personal trainer. In declining, she claimed to be "not qualified." When she came here from Russia many years ago, she was only six years old, but with the tools of my tradecraft I detected her almost undetectable accent. She was very good at feigning surprise. When she reports my request to Moscow, the organs of state security will probably direct her to change her mind and take me on as a human fixer-upper.


I keep thinking about [change of subject] how I need to get ready for Green Lake summer. To paraphrase the late, great Arthur Ashe: when you walk out on that diving board, there are no excuses.


Hodie [...]


Subito [...]

Ante hebdomadem [...]

In Reservata Rosteria hodie scripsi epistolam ad Odnam Monam et jeci epistolam in canastam apud Universitatem. Tunc legebam novum librum nominatum "Ultimum Tychunum" [...]

Am Abend habe ich im Fernsehen einen Film geschaut, "Mitternacht in Paris." Ein Mann traf eine Frau mit Namen Zelda, und neben ihr stand der Verfasser von dem Buch, das ich frueher heute gelesen habe.


Dear Hunter:
Yesterday Very Truly Yours attended the UW
Taiko Kai Spring Concert 2018 in Kane Hall at the University of Washington.


Hunter Old Sport:
It is very hard to live up to your shining examples. I went swimming in Green Lake on Sunday and I found a pair of goggles on the bottom beneath the low dive. Some kid turned them into the lifeguards for me, while I continued to swim. For the first time in decades, the Parks Department had remodelled the boys' changing room with all new fixtures.

Following in your illustrious ways, Hunt, yesterday I tried and failed to [DELETED] [CENSORED] [OBFUSCATED] Hey, Rube! We're going to fight this thing all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, all the way up to Chief Justice Roberts and Chief Rapist Kavanaugh. Truth alone prevails. Stay tooned.

The Art of the Meme
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