Scams Unlimited is proud to announce the Grand Opening of White House University for Whites Only on January 20th, 2017. Qualified students may apply now by sending their non-refundable, cash-only application fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to Attn: Bursar; White House University; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; Washington DC 20166-2017.
White House U carries on the glorious tradition of slave-holding colleges
like Georgetown University and the deplorably defunct but soon-to-rise-again
Trump University, which made students
multi-millionaires in the real-estate industry. White House U
boldly goes beyond real estate into the realm of Global
Thermonuclear Politics. Upon graduating in white
Ku Klux Klan robes, successful students will have learned how to:
If your career goes wrong, you may eventually share a cell at Club Fed with Donald Trump himself.