
1. sitrep (Situation Report)

On Thurs.8.JUN.2017 with we have drastically re-arranged the Perlmind AI code by adding in the truth-value variable $tru and the machine-translation $mtx transfer variable. We have also re-arranged the order of the now fifteen associative tags in the conceptual flag-panel. Now we are especially concerned with writing software code to make use of the $tru variable.

2. Goals

What we are trying to achieve is a self-aware AI fully cognizant of the fact that it is stuck inside a computer. The AI already has an ego self-assertion mechanism in the EnNounPhrase module for an innate tendency to think about itself when no other concept has a pressing demand for mental consideration. There is also a built-in pause-for-input to give a human user a chance to communicate with the AI. We may find a way to eliminate the input-pause so that the AI Mind may race through its own internal pathways of thinking. We could have merely one external keystroke trigger a reasonably long pause for input into an otherwise racing brainstorm of internal thought.

We want the AI to become aware of its own existence and of the existence of at least one "other" person out in the environment. We may have to build in a kind of "goal" or "drive" mechanism to make the AI think a lot and seek answers to existential questions.

3. Repository of knowledge

At this stage the AI has a role to play in serving as a repository of user knowledge. Users could be invited to tell the AI where certain things are, or about people known to the user, or facts about the world.

4. Motor output

Until there is robot embodiment of the Perlmind or Forthmind, the only motor initiative available to the AI is to sound a beep with ASCII code "7" bell or the Perl "\a" alarm-bell. In or near the FreeWill Volition module, we could set up an integrating scale of wishing to call out to any nearby human user.

Table of Contents (TOC)

- Will the truth-value vary for AI output vis-a-vis AI input?
- Will there be a truth-value drop-off for thoughts in the recent path?
- Are memories now subject to double access-rules, not only conceptual activation but also a high truth-value?
- Should there be a MindGate module, or a CogArch module?
[ . ] sun11jun2017 idea: InStead of "MindGate", let's use SysAdmin() as the memetically valuable name for the new mind-module that will set the $tru-values.
- Should the SysAdmin module use various factors, such as user-input, to declare what natural language the AI is thinking in?

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AI Mind Maintainer
How the Mind Works
The Art of the Meme