The three monkeys -- Microsoft (Hear No Evil), U of W (See No Evil), Tsinghua University (Speak No Evil) -- are in collusion now to whitewash the Massacre of Students at Tiananmen Square and brush aside all moral concerns in the pursuit of enormous profits and career advancements for all unscrupulous scruffies of moral turpitude.
In fawning admiration and imitation of the Thousand-Year Reich, the University of a Thousand Years ("See No Evil") will ignore the human rights abuses in China and will legitimize the unelected Chinese government by joining with the cadaver-shooting cadres of Tsinghua University to inaugurate the Genocidal Innovation eXchange as a branch of the 1KYU in Bellevue WA USA, near the campus of Microsoft and the cemeteries waiting for disobedient or freedom-loving students.