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Mens Latina FAQ for Artificial Intelligence in Ancient Latin

Latin Brain-Mind Diagram
   /^^^^^^^^^\    Systema Centrale Nervosum       /^^^^^^^^^^\
  /  Memoria  \         _________                /  Memoria   \
 /  Visualis   \       /         \              /  Acustica    \
|               |     /           \            |                |
|               |    /    nodus    \-----------|-------------\  |
|               |    \ syntacticus /           |             |  |
|               |     \           /  ______    |             |  |
|               |      \_________/--/      \   |             |  |
|         recog-|nitio      |      / focus  \  |             |  |
|      /--------|-------\   |     /functionis\ |             |  |
|      |        |       |   |     \          / |             |  |
|   ___|___     |     __V___V__    \________/  |             |  |
|  /       \    |    /         \        |      |    ______   |  |
| /         \   |   /   rete    \       |      |   /      \  |  |
|( perceptum )--|--/   logico-   \------|------|--/engramma\ |  |
| \         /   |  \ conceptuale /      |      |  \  verbi / |  |
|  \_______/    |   \           /       |      |   \______/  |  |
|               |    \_________/   _____V__    |       |     |  |
|               |                 /        \---|-------'     |  |
|               |                /          \  |    _______  |  |
|               |               /   focus    \ |   /       \ |  |
|               |               \inflectionis/ |  /inflectio\|  |
|               |                \          /--|--\  verbi  /   |
|               |                 \________/   |   \_______/    |

I. Q. Why create an AI in Latin?

A. Every natural human language, living or dead, deserves its own artificial intelligence. Here are some of the main reasons for AI in the ancient Latin language.

I.A. Because once it became possible, it became ineluctable.

I.B. Because coding AI in Latin helps with coding AI in Russian.

Latin and Russian are both highly inflected languages with lots of word-endings. What we learn from coding Latin AI helps us in coding Russian AI.

I.C. Because Latin is a very important language for scientific terminology.

I.D. Because coding Latin AI may accelerate AI evolution.

Return to top; or to -- posts must be in Latin -- solved. -- NOT SOLVED.
Nota Bene: For teachers of Latin, JavaScript or AI -- consider appointing an AI Mind Maintainer from among your students.
LaParser -- Latin parser based on inflectional endings more than word-order.
Modus Operandi -- User Manual for Artificial Intelligence in Latin Language
PraeScium -- Latin bootstrap mind-module with initial vocabulary and knowledge base
Nota Bene: This FAQ is in the public domain and may be copied, modified, Web-hosted, incorporated with for-profit instructional materials, etc. ad libitum. Subject to change without notice.

Paperback book on AI in ancient Latin

Artificial Intelligence in Ancient Latin -- is available from Amazon in various countries:
Australia - Canada - France - Germany - Italy - Japan - Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - United Kingdom - United States.
Ada's Technical Books
425 15th Avenue East
Seattle, WA 98122
USA Tel. 206-322-1058

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